Release of VEMLab v2.1

VEMLab: a MATLAB library for the virtual element method
Release of VEMLab v2.1

>>  From VEMLab v2.0.2 to VEMLab v2.1:

  • Add customized wrench domain (for PolyMesher mesh generator only).
  • Add customized plate with a hole domain (for PolyMesher mesh generator only).
  • Add the following test: “square_plate_with_source2_poisson2d.m” in test folder.
  • Add the following test: “plate_with_hole_linelast2d.m” in test folder.
  • Add the following test: “wrench_linelast2d.m” in test folder.
  • Fix iteration counter in PolyMesher function.

>>  From VEMLab v2.0.1 to VEMLab v2.0.2:

  • Fix several bugs when using vemlab_method=’FEM2DQ4′ and vemlab_method=’FEM2DT3′.
  • Add a control variable in config.m that permits to explicitly set the number of Gauss points to integrate the FEM2DQ4 stiffness matrix and body force vector.

>>  From VEMLab v2.0 to VEMLab v2.0.1: the following features have been added

  • More detailed manual in folder “doc.”
  • Improvement to the plotting of axis and fonts in MATLAB figures.