Release of Veamy v2.1

Veamy: an extensible object-oriented C++ library for the virtual element method
Release of Veamy v2.1

>>  From Veamy v2.0 to Veamy 2.1:

  • Add several test files for testing Feamy, the FEM module of Veamy.
  • Fix some bugs.
  • Update Veamy Primer: more details are added to sections devoted to using external mesh files (PolyMesher mesh and generic mesh files); Appendix A is added to explain the general structure of the main C++ setup file.

>>  From Veamy v1.1.1 to Veamy 2.0:

  • Add documentation to the source code.
  • Implement VEM for the two-dimensional Poisson problem.
  • Implement Feamy, a FEM module that uses three-node triangular finite elements for the solution of the two dimensional linear elastostatic problem.
  • Add methods to compute the L2-norm and H1-seminorm of the error.
  • Improve the built-in polygonal mesh generator.
  • Change to Eigen’s sparse solver for the solution of the system of linear equations.
  • Add additional test files.
  • New simplified methods to impose essential and Neumann boundary conditions.
  • Fix several bugs.

>>  From Veamy 1.0 to Veamy v1.1.1:

  • Add documentation.
  • Add method to include custom precision for printing output data.
  • Add plane stress material formulation.
  • Update installation instructions.
  • Include more tests and mesh examples.
  • Fix several bugs.