Free and open source Julia, MATLAB and C++ implementations of the 1D, 2D and 3D maximum-entropy basis functions.
Alejandro Ortiz-Bernardin – Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidad de Chile. (maxent-matlab, maxent-julia)
José M. Cáceres – Former Undergraduate Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidad de Chile. (maxent-julia)
Rodrigo Silva-Valenzuela – Ph.D. student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidad de Chile. (maxent-cpp)
Running the code
Three separate codes are available: maxent-julia for the Julia implementation, maxent-matlab for the MATLAB implementation, and maxent-cpp for the C++ implementation.
maxent-julia: the program is controlled by the main.jl function. This is the only function that must be setup by the user. To execute the code, setup the problem parameters in main.jl (further instructions are given there) and run it.
maxent-matlab: the program is controlled by the main.m function. This is the only function that must be setup by the user. To execute the code, setup the problem parameters in main.m (further instructions are given there) and run it.
maxent-cpp: the program is controlled by the main.cpp function. This is the only function that must be setup by the user. Setup the problem parameters in main.cpp (further instructions are given there). On the top directory of maxent-cpp create a folder named “bin”. Open a terminal and, at the top directory of maxent-cpp, type make to build an executable named “maxent-cpp” that will appear in the folder “bin”. Go inside the folder “bin” and execute “maxent-cpp” by typing ./maxent-cpp at the terminal.
More details are given in the manual that is provided with the source code.
This project is licensed under the GPL3 License. This program is free software; it can be redistributed or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
>> Latest stable version of maxent-julia (8-DEC-2018): maxent-julia v1.1 (compatible with Julia 1.0)
Download: maxent-julia source code (zip) | maxent-julia source code (tar.gz)
Browse the source code of maxent-julia on GitHub
>> Latest stable version of maxent-matlab (14-OCT-2018): maxent-matlab v3.5
Download: maxent-matlab source code (zip) | maxent-matlab source code (tar.gz)
Browse the source code of maxent-matlab on GitHub
>> Latest stable version of maxent-cpp (24-OCT-2018): maxent-cpp v1.0
Download: maxent-cpp source code (zip) | maxent-cpp source code (tar.gz)