Other software

Maxent basis functions for MATLAB
Author: Alejandro Ortiz-Bernardin
Version: 3.4 (newer versions are available here)
Language: Matlab
Date: March 14, 2012
License: GNU GPL
Download: maxent for MATLAB

Description: Small code to compute MAXENT basis functions in Matlab. Newer versions of maxent for MATLAB are available here.

Author: Alejandro Ortiz-Bernardin
Version: 1.0 / Updates: 1.0.1 (See change log below)
Language : C++
Date: September 23, 2009 / Updates: October 9, 2009
License: GNU LGPL
Download: MeshFree++_v1.0.1_winMeshFree++_v1.0.1_linuxMeshFree++_change_logOlder versions

Description: a C++ class that provides a unified meshfree basis function computation. Its capabilities include the computation of first order maximum entropy (maxent) basis functions and first order moving least square (mls) basis functions along with their derivatives. It is a generic code in the sense that it can compute the aforementioned basis functions in one, two and three dimensions with just one single code.

Also check maxent-cpp, a new C++ implementation of the maximum-entropy basis functions, by clicking here.

Author: Alejandro Ortiz-Bernardin
Version: 1.0
Language : C++
Date: September 23, 2009
License: GNU LGPL
Download: MathVec++_v1.0_winMeshFree++_v1.0_linux

Description: template header that simplifies matrix-vector operations. Matrix-vector operations are designed for small matrices since it uses direct implementations. However, it can solve large sparse linear systems very efficiently due to its interface to TAUCS library.

A test of three methods to perform finite element assembly in Matlab
Author: Alejandro Ortiz-Bernardin
Language: Matlab
Date: February 7, 2010
Download: assembly

Description: three distinct methods for finite element assembly are compared in order to find out the more efficient one. Complete details with my findings are provided in my blog at iMechanica.

NOTE: If you find a bug or have any comment with respect to the above codes, please drop me an e-mail at aortizb@uchile.cl. I will try to fix the problems and post updates when needed.