Faculty Position in Manufacturing Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering (www.dimec.uchile.cl) at University of Chile invites applications for a full time tenure-track faculty position in Mechanical Engineering. Applicants must have deep interest in undergraduate and graduate teaching, as well as the purpose to conduct long-term, externally funded research programs at international level. Candidates are also expected to maintain fruitful work relationships with industry in their respective areas through R&D initiatives. According to qualifications, they may be ranked at the Assistant, Associate or Full Professor level.

Candidates are sought in:

  1. Manufacturing Engineering(Code FM-1514): preferred areas are manufacturing and materials processing; computer-aided manufacturing; additive manufacturing; digital manufacturing; automation and optimization in digital manufacturing; modeling, monitoring and dynamic analysis of manufacturing processes.

Applicants must possess a Ph. D. degree with strong theoretical and practical abilities, a wide spectrum of interests and proven experience in research and a keen interest in teaching. Their research record must be attested by previous participation in externally funded research that has led to refereed ISI journal articles.

Applicants must submit online at http://www.uchile.cl/concursoAcademico a cover letter, their full curriculum vitae, research statement, and graduate/undergraduate teaching statement, copies of their three most relevant publications, and degree certificate. In addition, three letters of recommendation from acknowledged experts in the field must be sent by e-mail within the application deadline to Dirección Académica y de Investigación (sediraca@ing.uchile.cl) indicating the reference code that identifies the position.

The successful candidates must be able to start as soon as possible but no later than 2015.

Application Deadline: May 12, 2015.

Before Application: Any enquiries can be sent to Prof. Rodrigo Palma (Department Head) rhpalma@ing.uchile.cl